Monthly Archives: February 2010

Building HipHop PHP for Fedora 12 on 64 bit and 32 bit Systems

Now that Facebook has finally released the source for HipHop PHP it is time to give it a spin. Of course it is still a little rough around the edges so I figured I would toss together a quick howto on getting it to build.

The first thing to note is that they are only supporting 64 bit systems officially. Having said that it isn't too hard to modify the code to make it work on a 32 bit system although it may turn out that such early modifications are missing some fundamental bits on why they were only support 64 bit systems. I'm going to assume at first that you are using a 64 bit system and then end with what you need if you are still using a 32 bit system.

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Fedora 12 Bootable Root EBS on EC2

I recently needed to create a clean EC2 AMI using a fairly new linux distro. It has been a while since I've needed to create a new AMI so I also wanted to move away from the older pre-packaged AMI and boot using EBS. After taking a look at what was currently available publicly I decided I would just create my own EBS bootable AMI using Fedora 12. It wasn't all that complicated but there are a decent number of steps so I figured I would document them for anyone else who might want to give it a try.

I'm going to assume you already understand how to do things like create instances, create EBS volumes and ssh into your running instance using key based authentication. I use the AWS management console for a lot of what follows with the exception of needing to register the AMI and for that you will need the Amazon EC2 API Tools and Amazon EC2 AMI Tools

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PHP MySQLi and Multiple Prepared Statements

While sprucing up the PHP code I use to provide my own Stack Overflow API for GeeQe I ran into an error caused by trying to use multiple prepared statements with MySQLi. It turned up when I tried to execute one prepared statement while looping over the result set from another prepared statement that were both created on the same connection. What came out was the following error:

"Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now"

Details about this error can be found in the mysql docs. Reading those details makes it clear that the result sets of a prepared statement execution need to be fetched completely before executing another prepared statement on the same connection.

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